Slaves, Puritans and Poisoned Wheat - see expl...

Slaves, Puritans and Poisoned Wheat (Photo credit: drurydrama (Len Radin))

Sometimes when I look at the push by conservatives to pass restrictions controls and private invasions over rights to choose and contraception, I think the GOP would be happy taking us back to some Victorian 1800s form of culture or maybe back to the pilgrim days when the ladies got scarlet letters and witch trials.  Our country has taken years to evolve, but we have evolved as a society and culture.   It never fails to surprise me how much our GOP counterparts yearn for days of yore when the ladies wore long gowns and men nearly creamed at the sight of a mere bare ankle.

Speaking of the pilgrims, they left their country, bloody old britain,  to escape the power of a religion that wielded the power of the State in their personal lives, religion and society.   The State enforced an adherence to a particular belief system that was in disagreement with the beliefs of the puritans.   This was the conflict that birthed the concept of separation of church and state in our own constitution.   Funny how ‘freedom of religion’ is now being used by the GOP to allow a church to wield the power of the State.

Are the evangelical conservatives really that backwards?  I guess it’s time to dust off the frocks and chastity belts.

Rick Santorum's image of women and mothers

Rick Santorum's image of women and mothers

The logical conclusion of Rick Santorum  and the catholic church’s abhorence to birth control is something like the above picture carried out on a human scale.

Do we really need bigger families at this time in America?  Just saying , it costs money to raise a child.  Do we really need more poor people at this time?

You don’t see rightys get too upset when an innocent person is executed.   Yet they seem to  want to carry the ‘save every baby’ philosophy down to the legality of the sperm swimming upstream to the egg.

Ultimately they are advocating for more poverty by pushing on this issue.   I want to hear them talk all about it though.  I want to hear a whole GOP debate on contraception. Nearly every sentence uttered on the subject by the right is  b-s crazee!